Firmware Changelog
This firmware release is the minimum version required by the FRC Radio Kiosk in the 2025 FIRST FRC Competition. The FRC Radio Kiosk checks and updates radio firmware to ensure all robots are using the latest radio firmware.
Added Wireless Channel scan capability
Start a scan by going to ../scan/start
Retrieve the results by goin gto ../scan/result
This release is the release being used at the FRC Week 0 event
Bootloader updates and various security rollup updates
Some teams have reported issues with radios not exiting the bootloader. Changes were made to address this particular bug.
Team Access Point behavior
Fixed bug when first setting a newly flashed radio as a Team Access Point resulting in a wireless subsystem crash, only resuming normal operation after a power cycle.
This is a continuation of the flash corruption discovered in November of 2024.
Root cause failure analysis was completed and discovered an errant process writing to flash at a period of once every 30 seconds. In extreme circumstances, the NAND flash controller could glitch upon a power event (brownout or during power off), accidentally writing to critical regions of memory resulting in memory corruption that could disable the radio.
Team Access Point behavior
Fixed bug when placing radio into "Access Point Mode" disabling the 2.4 GHz radio once a robot connects to the 6 GHz radio
Renamed the 2.4 GHz SSID when in "Access Point Mode" to "FRC-AP-XXYY-SUFFIX", making it more clear on which device you're connected to
Bootloader updates and various security rollup updates
Flash memory corruption has been observed on a number of radios affecting the factory burned calibration and regulatory limits partition.
A mitigation has been developed addressing this potential corruption.
It is recommended that teams update to this firmware as soon as possible to prevent the radio from becoming inoperable without manufacturer support.
Bug fixes (Access Point Variants)
Fixed DHCP regression where DHCP was enabled on FRC and OFFSEASON releases (Bug reported by Fletcher Salesky)
UI Change: Added warning regarding reconfiguring radios while at competitions.
Added "dataAgeMs" in status JSON schema
Bug fixes
Fixed firewall regression
Port 1110 was disabled on the access points used at the 2024 FIRST Championship. This port was re-enabled for testing/practice use and was mistakenly included in AP firmware releases. This port is now disabled on the FRC and OFFSEASON variants of the access point firmware.
Fixed error display on radio configuration page when a bad firmware image is loaded
Fixed clearing of cache when a firmware upgrade attempt is unsuccessful
Fixed dynamic channel selection behavior resulting in occasional loss of connectivity in certain wireless environments (Bug reported by Tim Bennington-Davis)
Team Access Point behavior
Enabled 2.4 GHz SSID when in "Team Access Point"
Added Reduced Neighbor Report (RNR) information element (IE) to the 2.4 GHz SSID enabling client devices without standards-based FILS support to connect to the 6 GHz SSID (Behavior -not a bug - discovered by FRC Team 1425 and Tim Bennington-Davis)
Added firmware release in the footer of the Configuration page
Various UI improvements within the Configuration page related to loading of firmware
This release introduces two variants of the Access Point firmware, allowing teams to have a representative version of the official Access Point firmware used by FIRST
Offseason Variant
A fork of the official FRC access point firmware, without the configuration password set
Practice Variant
A fork of the Offseason access point firmware
Intended for use at practice fields without full FMS setups (DHCP server, etc), but still has access to a managed ethernet switch with VLAN tagging capability
Includes DHCP server on VLAN 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
Firewall is disabled
Includes FRC configuration password (not for public release)
Same as FRC image, without configuration password
Same as OFFSEASON image, disables firewall and enables DHCP on all team VLANs
Bug fixes
Minor - Fixed potential race condition encountered during firmware upgrade process, potentially disabling DHCP
Improved 6 GHz performance (Radio and AP)
Thanks to FRC teams 581, 3256, 3310, 6328 and 9724 for testing this subsystem change at Chezy Champs
Access Point Variant
Improved management console to listen on both and IP addresses
Changed network alias binding for management IP from only "RIO/PoE" port to all ports
Bug fixes
Moderate - Fixed potential race condition encountered during firmware upgrade process, potentially leaving Radio or AP in partially upgraded state (Bug reported by FRC Team 1678 and 4415)
Fix improves resiliency in the event power is removed during a firmware upgrade
Bug fixes
Critical - Fixed potential lockup on power events
Issue discovered where a power event prevented the radio from exiting the bootloader
Security - Fixed Subsystem
Processing maliciously crafted content may lead to data corruption or unauthorized data disclosure (Reported by Vivid-Hosting Threat Research and Jamie Sinn)
Radio Variant
Adds connection quality icon in the configuration page header
Adds connection statistics when in Access Point mode
Adds SSID prefix that applies to both 2.4GHz and 6GHz SSIDs
Improved third party device compatibility with 6 GHz when in Access Point mode
This firmware image is the release candidate for the 2025 season
Access Point Variant
Fork of VH-113 firmware 1.2.0
VH-113 FW does not include a DHCP server by default. Users need to ensure that the 10.XX.YY.4 IP is reachable on the respective VLAN
Increased bandwidth limit to 7 Mbps
Added Web UI for ease of configuration
Added Channel Scan capability
Adds connection statistics
Fixes DHCP pool bug discovered at the 2024 FIRST Championship (Bug reported by Gabriel Adamson)
Fixed DHCP pool when in STA mode.
Previous DHCP reservations started from 10.XX.YY.100 through 10.XX.YY.199.
Changed to 10.XX.YY.200 through 10.XX.YY.219
Added DHCP pool configuration change when in AP mode
Reservations start from 10.XX.YY.20 through 10.XX.YY.199
This firmware image is the release candidate for the 2025 season
Fixes bugs discovered at the 2024 FIRST Championship
Fixed 20 MHz channel limitation when configured as a STA device, improves RF power and physical data rate (Bug reported by Tim Bennington-Davis)
Fixed bootloader pausing/lockup on power-on (Bug reported by FRC Teams 111, 226, 316, 1538, 1701, 1861, 2877, 4099, 4451, 7565, 8241)
Improves boot time by approximately 5 seconds
Removed upper 20 MHz channels from 40 MHz pair on the AP page in favor of the bug fix listed above
Included mDNS responder, radio can be found at "radio.local"
Improved 6ID battery detection for FCC regulatory requirements
Added 6ID battery detection LED pattern
Added firmware updating (stage 2) LED pattern
Initial release
Last updated