Setting VH-109 To Access Point Mode
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This page will discuss how to program your VH-109 Robot Radio to act as an access point. This will allow you to test and practice driving with a single robot.
There are two options to configure your computer:
If the configuring computer has it's network interface configured to obtain an IP address via DHCP, the computer will be able to reach the VH-109 device at 10.XX.YY.1
(Client/STA mode) or 10.XX.YY.4
(AP mode).
VH-109's programmed at the factory are configured to team #1 in Client/STA mode, setting the IP address to
Depending on the type of connection, this can be reached one of three ways:
Wireless (DHCP) Factory Default
Wireless (DHCP) Team Number Previously Set
Radios running firmware >1.1.0 (released 02/04/2024) include an mDNS responder. The radio can also be reached at http://radio.local/
Access Point Mode
This means the device will act like an access point for a radio to connect to.
Team Number
Your team's FRC team number
SSID Suffix
A suffix that is appended to the end of the SSID. Ex: "1538-coolbot"
WPA Key For 6GHz Connection
The key for 6GHz connection
WPA Key For 2.4GHz Access Point
The key for 2.4GHz connection
Wi-Fi Channel
This is the Wi-Fi 6E channel the access point will broadcast on